Quality and Safety

Quality and Safety

Beverages that “go into the mouth” are products that also affect the health of our customers. Thorough quality and
process control based on the idea that “even if there is one defect in a million bottles, that defect is 100% for that customer”
promises a high level of quality for all of our products.From the water that forms the basis of all beverages to the
Final stage of packaging, we only ship products that have passed through around 90 strict checkpoints.

  • About Sensory Evaluation

    This is carried out in the sensory evaluation room for each production lot. We carry out sensory evaluation tests to ensure that we maintain a consistently high level of quality.

  • Acquired FSSC22000 certification
    (certification scope: Higashi-Hiroshima Beverage Factory, Utsunomiya Beverage Factory)

    We have established a system for food safety based on our fundamental philosophy of providing our customers with peace of mind and safety.

  • Radioactive Materials

    We collect water used on a daily basis at a set frequency and have it tested by an external testing organization


  • Basic recognition and philosophy regarding quality
    • For our company, which is sustained by our customers, 'quality' is the lifeline that protects the lives of our employees and their families.
    • 'Quality' includes not only the finished products and services, but also the quality of all work done to improve customer satisfaction, but as a company that manufactures products that affect the health of our customers and that they put in their mouths, we place particular importance on 'food safety' as the central pillar of 'quality'.
    • With sincerity and the unity of knowledge and action as our guiding principles, we will provide products that delight our customers and create quality that is safe and reliable, thereby winning even greater satisfaction and trust, and becoming a group of people needed by our customers and a company needed by society.

      ※ Unity of knowledge and action: “Knowledge” refers to recognition, and “action” refers to practice. Knowing and doing are two aspects of the workings of the mind, and are essentially two sides of the same coin. This is a core idea of the philosophy of neo-Confucianism, which holds that true knowledge must be accompanied by practice. In this basic philosophy, it means that there should be no situation where something is known but not put into practice. It means that there should be no situation where rules and manuals are in place but not being followed, utilized, or put into practice in the field.

  • Quality Policy
    • In order to achieve a level of quality that we can guarantee 100%, we have established a quality management system and are building quality into our processes.
      • (a) We have established a policy on quality,
      • (b) We have clarified the responsibilities and authority of each person involved in quality,
      • (c) We have documented our quality system for building quality into our processes in the form of a quality manual,
      • (d) ensure that the workplace is implementing the quality manual without error, and
      • (e) be able to disclose at any time that the quality required by the customer is being ensured by recording this.
    • We will continuously verify the effectiveness of our quality management system, continue to implement the PDCA cycle, and continuously improve and enhance the effectiveness of the system in all workplaces.
    • We will thoroughly implement education and training to raise the quality awareness of all employees and improve their skills as a group of quality professionals.
  • Food Safety

    As a food manufacturer, our company aims to contribute to society by providing safe and reliable food to our customers. To this end, we have established the following policy regarding food safety, which is of particular importance in terms of quality.

    • As a food manufacturer, our company aims to contribute to society by providing safe and reliable food to our customers. To this end, we have established the following policy regarding food safety, which is of particular importance in terms of quality.
    • We will comply with food safety policies and food-related laws, ordinances, regulatory requirements, and mutually agreed customer requirements, and we will also require our business partners to comply with laws and regulatory requirements, and we will carry out activities to ensure that they understand safety.
    • In order to raise awareness of product safety, we will regularly conduct internal communication activities such as training and management reviews to improve knowledge of food safety, and we will also communicate with external parties such as regulatory authorities, business partners, customers, and industry groups regarding information on food safety and security.
    • We will ensure that all employees are fully aware of our food safety policy, and we will set food safety targets every year and review and revise them as necessary.
    • We will disclose our food safety policy on our website so that it can be understood not only by those involved in the food chain, but also by everyone in the local community.
  • Revised April 1, 2021
    (First enacted: October 12, 2012)